Internationally acclaimed cold clay. Cools, soothes and tightens hot tired legs. Longer lasting formula. No need to wrap or bandage. Easy to wash off.
When a horse’s hoof is exposed to continually wet conditions, the horn becomes saturated and weakened. It is then desirable to close the hoof structure to the ingress of external water. This is often done by the application of hoof oils or greases. These certainly seal the hoof effectively, but also stop the natural transpiration of water vapour from the inside of the hoof to the outside. The hoof thus becomes saturated with the moisture produced by the horse itself, and remains softened by this water. Keratex Hoof Gel protects the hoof against external water while allowing the hoof to ‘breathe’ and retain its natural strength.
How It Works.
Keratex Hoof Gel contains a powerful water-repelling chemical dissolved in a solvent, plus another solvent which allows the chemical to penetrate the horn. This chemical is a very long molecule: one end sticks onto the nitrogen atoms in the keratin protein of the horn, and the other end waves about, repelling water molecules but not water vapor. This keeps perfect water balance in the horn, in wet or dry weather. It also provides protection against the ammonia generated from the urea in the urine, which can degrade the hoof by saponifying the natural protective lipids in the hoof.
Keratex Hoof Gel should be used in wet weather by brushing onto a clean dry hoof once daily.