Cell-Grow® has been scientifically formulated by Kohnke’s Own to support the very specific nutritional needs of both young horses as well as broodmares in Australia and New Zealand.
The formulation of Cell-Grow® incorporates nutrients scientifically proven to reduce the risk of developmental problems in foals such as DOD, bent legs, osteochondrosis (OCD), joint swelling (physitis and epiphysitis) and other bone and joint issues which commonly cause soundness issues in young horses. Cell-Grow is also designed to support the mare, especially during late pregnancy when the unborn foal requires more nutrients for foetal development and during lactation when the mare’s nutritional needs are greatly increased due to milk production.
Which horses benefit
- Empty mares and those during early-mid pregnancy
Stallions during breeding season
Orphan foals as part of a creep feed, or those which develop poorly.
Foals, weaners, yearlings and long yearlings up to 2 years of age, or 2.5 years of age in young horses with a health setback which has limited their full growth and maturity.
Foals from ‘good-doer’ mares, orphan foals adopted by larger breed mares, those on lush pasture or fed concentrate feed diets may grow faster compared to an optimum, safe rate.
Cell-Grow features a special ‘rapid growth rate’ dosage level tailored to support body, bone and joint soundness in weanlings and yearlings which are at high risk of developmental problems, such as OCD.