Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform® is a Scientifically Formulated Concentrated Bone Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement with extra Muscle Antioxidants for performance horse health, vitality and performance. The formulation is regularly updated to the latest guidelines for optimum nutrition in all equestrian horses in New Zealand.
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform® is a premium supplement containing a complete range of vitamins and minerals designed for Dressage, Show-Jumping, Eventing and Show horses and ponies to meet their elevated nutrient needs which are often low or inadequate in the diets for health, vitality and performance.
The comprehensive 5 pellet blend also contains a higher concentration of muscle specific nutrients such as premium organic chelated selenium, magnesium and vitamin E for robust muscle strength, and stamina in horses that regularly work at moderate to intense levels.
The specific ratio of muscle antioxidants in Cell-Perform®, compared to other ration balancers, may help sustain muscle function and ensure controlled muscle energy to power performance during equestrian sports.
For performance horses and ponies in regular training and competition
All horses and ponies worked at moderate to intense exercise levels
All horses that require extra antioxidants and selenium to support optimal muscle function, for example, in cases of poor muscle health or limited strength and endurance.
Horses limited to a grazing diet or provided hay grown in selenium-deficient areas
Horses provided a commercial prepared feed where the full recommended amount is not fed each day
Guidelines for top-up of premix feeds are supplied on the label
Each level scoopful of Cell-Perform® provides 40 grams (LARGE END) and 15 grams (SMALL END) of the double ended scoop.
Flexible supplementation rates with 40 grams needed for early training and moderate exercise levels. Horses (500 kg body weight) at more advanced training or moderately intense exercise and regular competition can be fed up to 60 grams per day in one feed or split between morning and night meals.
When reducing the full recommended amount of a chosen muesli or commercial feed, it is advisable to add a top-up of Cell-Perform® as extra micronutrients for optimum ration balance.
A half dose of Cell-Perform® included in a base feed of a cooked, extruded or pelleted hard feed helps to boost nutrient levels with extra high potency, cold-pressed trace-mineral and vitamins.
Supplementation can be scaled when feeding less than the recommended level of commercial, complete feeds. For example, if you are feeding a moderately worked horse 2 kg of a common commercial feed but the directions from the manufacturer recommend feeding 4 kg per horse per day, add 20 grams of Cell-Perform to make up possible nutrient shortfalls without adding extra energy or fizziness to the ration.
1.4 kg (35 days supply)
4 kg bucket (100 days supply)
10 kg bucket (250 days supply)
** Days supply is calculated from the 40 gram dose which is suitable for horses (500 kg body weight) in early training.